"Excuses are tools of the incompetent which build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness, those who use them seldom amount to anything." Author unknown
Millionaire University

Millionaire University

Did you know that more than 25 percent of the Forbes 400 Wealthiest Americans never graduated from college? A few never even finished high school. Now through Millionaire University™ you can learn the secrets millionaires before you have developed and used to reach the top.

Success Secrets

Success Secrets

Success is for everyone who wants it, believes they can have it, works for it, never gives up and always puts God first.   “In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”  Proverbs 3:6 TLB

Power of Wealth

Power of Wealth

Financial wealth is what you have, personal wealth is who you are and scriptural wealth is what you do with what you’ve got, because of who you are in Christ. God gave you the power to get wealth because He expects you to use it.

Changed Emily's Life

Changed Emily's Life

"Wow! Millionaire University™ blew me away. The system is amazing! Not only has it given me the tools and a solid plan for becoming a Millionaire, it has truly changed my life. I have never been so inspired. I’m very excited about my future." — Emily

Great Rewards

"Millionaire University™ is such a small investment for such great rewards. Harold Herring has made it so affordable. Just implementing one idea could more than pay for the course.

What are you willing to pay to move up to the next financial level in your life. It’s so worth it."
- Virginia

180 Degrees

"Since my girlfriend started Millionaire University™ I have seen a 180 degree change in her attitude. This system has given her a personal road map for success.

After only a few months of using the tools that Millionaire University™ has given her, she landed her dream job!"
- Kevin
kit layout
Dr Robert Gibson

Dr Robert Gibson

It’s been said; “No man can take you beyond his own understanding.” I understand what it takes to become a Millionaire. So many people have the desire to become rich but don’t have a plan. Now, there is a powerful plan that can shape your destiny and help launch the Millionaire within you.

Millionaire University™ can show you the secrets and strategies that millionaires have used for centuries to acquire great wealth. Millionaires are being made everyday. Isn’t it time you became one? - Dr. Robert Gibson

Time Matters

Time Matters

Time Matters to Millionaires.

One of life's only gifts to you is Time. But what you exchange your time for is up to you.

Don't casually give it away. Identify time-wasters in your day and find ways to avoid them.

Harold Herring

Harold Herring

Harold Herring, President of Millionaire UniversityTM teaches scriptural strategies, and proven financial principles which are responsible for saving thousands of people millions of dollars in interest and debt.

Brother Harold has a unique anointing to empower people to move outside of their comfort zone. He encourages, exhorts and provokes believers to fulfill their divine destiny as individuals endowed with the seeds of greatness and unlimited potential for personal achievement and ministry.

I am Energized

"I am energized, inspired and eager to start putting what Millionaire University™ has taught me into practice. I now know unquestionably that success and prosperity is attainable and no obstacle is too big anymore."


37% Increase

"Upon putting the principles into action after only three months, I experienced a 37% increase in my business and gained three new business opportunities. I've always enjoyed some success in business but I was tired of staying at the same level and lacked the abundance I was looking for. The program not only helped me achieve greater success, but increased my understanding and knowledge of God's ways. I learned that when we keep His principles, God keeps his promises!"

— Pete

I Was in a Rut

"I’m single, and if I don’t provide for me, nobody will. I’ve had to work two jobs forever, just to make ends meet. I’ve worked hard all my life, and I had nothing to show for it. I was in a rut. I needed help. Millionaire University™ has given me the direction I needed to become wealthy. This program has shown me I can have more than enough."

- Bridget